Churchtown Farm solar panels - making your flowers even more sustainable

Great location for solar power

We get more hours of sun than nearly anywhere else in the UK (1690 hrs v UK av of 1493 hrs) and we take advantage of this to power our cold store with solar energy. Our tractor shed roof is covered with solar panels, the largest private solar array on Scilly.

High summer demand 

All year round we run a large cold store to help keep the flowers fresh. Because of this our electricity consumption is quite high and it is highest when it is warm and the sun is shining, a perfect fit for solar power. 

Spare electricity

Not only do our solar panels provide power for our cold store they power the whole farm including the shared house where some of our team live. Any excess electricity produced is fed back into the grid to be used elsewhere.  Our panels are part of the 'Smart Islands' project which aims to increase the use of solar power across the Isles of Scilly. 

Great statistics

From March until October we have saved well over 6000kg of carbon,  apparently the equivalent of planting 280 trees. Obviously these were sunny months and it will be interesting to monitor performance over the winter. So now you can send flowers grown in the UK, delivered direct in sustainable packaging and kept fresh by solar power!  

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